Destination Unknown
Destination unknown. Life is so strange when you don’t know How can you tell where you’re going to? You can’t be sure of any situation Something could change and then you won’t know You ask yourself Where do we go from here? It seems so all too near Just as far beyond as I can

The first time I saw you.
The first time I saw her was on Monday, she shuffled into the juvenile courtroom. She was trailed by a deputy who towered over her tiny frame. Her shoulders slumped as if the handcuffs on her wrists were pulling her toward the floor. She was seated in the jury box and was called on by the

Uganda 2022- Mission Update
Uganda. September 25 through October 13, 2022 We departed Malawi, where we had been for ten days, and flew to Mozambique, Ethiopia, and finally arrived in Uganda. Not a bad twelve-hour trip. We arrived at Entebbe at 1:00 a.m. and worked our way through Covid checks and immigration. We found our bags, changed some dollars

What is this place… really?
The interesting thing is that Fallout Shelter Ministries is all these things and more. We have always carried the motto “preparing people for the unexpected” and our focus has grown as we see a growing need. As our capabilities and resources have grown, we have been able to respond to those needs. We seek to lead people to the Kingdom of God by engaging and equipping them mentally, physically, and spiritually.
I am going to break down some of our whys. We follow a simple formula (LOVE2+GO).