Fallout Shelter Ministries has operated as a non-profit since 2016.  Providing leadership and service to others locally, nationally, and around the world.  We have served with our hearts focused on teaching others how to tap into their strengths and lead by example since 2006 through (the open door of) martial arts as a master of Hapkido, Taekwondo, Self-Defense, and Response Training.

These unique skills allow us opportunities to reach others with the Gospel of Christ and The Kingdom, unlike any traditional ministry.  Our influences have afforded us the privilege to travail with victims of Human Trafficking, Domestic Violence, and Sexual Assault as well as Addiction Recovery and Trauma Recovery.  Day to day we are able to have ministry opportunities with youth and others who do not attend any church or have no other example of Christ in their life.  And week to week we travel to serve, preach.  We gather as a home church, breaking bread & diving into the Word of God.

Our ministry model is simple, to do as Jesus did and commanded.  We look to the Bible for instruction, correction, education, and revelation as we walk as Holy Spirit directs.  Working in unity, recognizing gifts and talents, loving and sacrificing so that there is no lack, forgiving and repenting quickly; seeking first The Kingdom.

The passion and pursuit of excellent and thorough training is a God-given directive.  We choose to lay down our prerogatives and share the burdens of the ones who cannot carry their own.  We meet them as they are and invite them to recognize who they are designed and destined to be.  As the Lord brings them to us, we bring them right back to Him just as Jesus instructed us.

We go, make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and teaching them to faithfully follow everything that the Lord commanded.  That is our mission, Priceless and Prepared, never forgetting that the Lord is with us and it is by His authority that we do all these things.

Fallout Shelter Ministries Purpose Statement

– Know God –

Lead Others to God by Word and Deed.

– Know Yourself  –

Teach and Pray through God’s Given Identity

– Know The Kingdom –

Equip to Establish the Ekklesia and Safe Haven Inside and Out.

Fallout Shelter training center currently houses:

Youth and adult boxing, taekwondo, self-defense, and firearms training.

Fallout Shelter Ministries center:       

Meeting spaces, 

Chapel, gathering space for weddings, concerts, and other events.

Emergency housing:  

Short-term lodging for victims of trafficking, domestic violence, sexual assault, homeless, broken down travelers, victims of house fires or other emergency need.